Branded Meme Generators

The meme generators started life as a weekend hackathon project through the need of creating quick and easy branded content for supporters and brand ambassadors to use, share and with the potential of going viral. User Generated Content (UGC) is continuing to rise and becoming an important tool in a marketing and sales toolboox. UGC is considered as “… the next generation influencer marketing” Source: Stackla

Branded UGC is very difficult and there are few solutions available for brands to white label. Many brands still struggle to hand over control and as few as 16% of brands have a strategy regarding user-generated content; pretty low considering the population using social media tools. At Pebble Designs we have built a suite of branded generators ranging from direct data integration to reward milestones and key touch points through to fun rewards for competitors. We have worked on the following campaigns…

Battersea’s #RescueIsMyFavouriteBreed campaign

We were approached by Battersea to help them create a branded experience for their campaign #RescueIsMyFavouriteBreed. We created a version of our product allows the user to upload a photo and through a series of steps apply messaging and eventually share directly to their social media profile.

Oxfam Worm Generator

This has to be one of the funniest branded meme projects we have created. The focus was on sustainable toilets with an A/B test running alongside. The first was a typical Oxfam photo and the second was a fun, illustrated approach using our tools. The project success rate was amazing with engagement levels on social media through the roof!

Storm Bowling (US)

Our Storm Bowling meme was the focus alongside a competition-entry mechanic. For every upload the entry was entered into a draw and the final winning prize included the chance to win the latest Bowling Ball from Storm Bowling.


With over 5,570 submitted images it’s clear that the fans enjoyed this campaign. They took the time to create an image and engage with the campaign. Several individuals submitted multiple times. This is a good sign as we have often seen a decrease in participation as the weeks move on in past campaigns and we wanted to give them a reasons for coming back and made some strategic changes in this campaign to support that.